Extract the systems` and processes` Intelligences to produce handsomely designed Diagrams

Extracting organizations' intelligence to produce elegant, smart, and handsomely designed diagrams.

Elegant and Smart Diagrams Design


Your Intelligence graphically displayed

We specialize in extracting organizations' intelligence to create elegant, smart, and handsomely designed diagrams for easy use.



Sleek Design Solutions

Efficient Results

Extraction, persistence and display

An 'ultimate level' creativity and technology application to give the company's staff all it wanted but were afraid to ask for

From the raw lines of your codes

If there is a file with the source code, produced to be executed in your machine, written in a programming language,


A Lego(tm) piece with male and female connectors

We collect all the components, and their connections. Nothing will pass us by.

Think of it as a humongous swimming pool,

Every processed artefact is thrown in this pool, regardless of its counterparts, simply because this artefact is all that we know at this moment in time.

When, and if, a counterpart shows up sometimes, with a little of a magic dust, the male connector of this Lego(tm) will link itself to the female connector of the other piece and 'Voilà'!

The nodes are named after the names of your internal components.

The edges are named with verbs to identify the action that is happening between the nodes and to facilitate the readability of the graphic.

These diagrams are built as a result of queries considering the filters you provided.

Either a whole system or a singleton connection between two artefacts can be selected.

To produce your systemic and your procedural AS IS diagrams, daily and automatically,

Business processes

The TOP-BOTTOM BPM extracted automatically from your schedulers and embellished by your own staff

Automatic business processes complimented by both our teams.

Business rules

A machine that takes as input the whole oranges and outputs orange juice IS an orange juice machine.

We know all the inputs and outputs of every single program, routine, function and subroutine.

We create a tree view with all possible process types in YOUR business.

WE show the inputs and outputs in all the programs, routines, functions and subroutines along with all process types.

Together with you, we will play the "matching game" and we will classify all your pieces of code accordingly to their business rules.

Now you can even analyze the cohesion of your pieces of programs.


woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

The diagrams produced by zabsolute are truly elegant and smart, making it easy to understand complex systems.

Alice Smith

a very artistic picture of a bird made out of metal
a very artistic picture of a bird made out of metal

I am impressed with how handsomely designed the diagrams from zabsolute are, making our processes clearer.

John Doe

a cell phone is connected to a light switch
a cell phone is connected to a light switch